3 Tips to Overcome Your Job Search Burnout

Job search burnout is a real phenomenon among job seekers, and it can develop slowly, eventually leading to an overwhelming sense of dread that stems from simply thinking about continuing your search.
Nothing is more frustrating than sending out dozens of resumes and hearing nothing back. The entire process can take its toll on even the most enthusiastic seeker, but there are ways to avoid this frustrating spiral; step one is focusing your efforts in a purposeful and productive way.
Below are three tactics you can implement today to steer clear of burnout and reframe your job search.
3 Tips for Overcoming Job Search Burnout
Resume Format Refresh
You may be tired of looking at your resume day after day, but this is exactly where you should start: by assessing how effectively your resume represents your skills. Some recruiters and managers spend mere seconds looking at resumes, meaning that if your skills and experience aren’t clearly and visually communicated, you may be out of consideration before your resume even gets through the door.
To showcase your professional skills and experience, a resume format change may be in order.
If gaps in your employment history or multiple positions pepper your resume, a skills-based resume format may be a good choice. Hiring Our Heroes, in partnership with Toyota, offers a unique resume building tool developed exclusively for military spouses, that can highlight the strengths your experiences have give you the opportunity, without letting you unique employment history detract from those strengths. My Career Spark also connects military spouse job seekers to thousands of military friendly employers in the My Career Spark database.
Strengthen Your LinkedIn Profile
Updating your LinkedIn profile is vital to growing your personal brand, especially in today’s digital job market.
Keeping your profile current with new skills and jobs is key, but that’s just the starting point. Consider these additional changes to make your profile stand out in a sea of applicants.
Start Networking Now
Networking is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you land your next interview or job offer. Well executed, networking it always produces a solid return on your time invested. With as many as 80% of positions in the job market being filled by recommendations, networking is vital to any serious job search.
Putting your name and experience out to the hiring world is a logical first step, but don’t miss the valuable networking opportunities that already exist within your circle of friends, fellow military spouses, and family members. You can now easily network without even leaving your home through social media sites, online jobs fairs, and professional groups. These avenues are a great starting point for job seekers just beginning to network or those returning after a pause.
For additional networking opportunities, consider these options:
- Professional Trade Organizations
- Industry-Specific Member Groups
- Volunteer for Organizations Related to Your Field (and make valuable connections)
- School Alumni Groups
- Military Spouse Groups & Clubs
The Military Spouse Professional Network, a program of Hiring Our Heroes, is a perfect place to launch yourself into networking and grow your circle of contacts. The all-volunteer-led chapters connect career-minded military spouses with peers, employers, and mentors at more than 45 locations around the world. The groups host regular career development events and networking functions, and each location offers a Facebook group for members, all at no cost. Not near an MPSN location? There’s also a virtual chapter for military spouses, so you can connect with other professionals no matter where you’re located.
Staying committed to the process when your search extends beyond your anticipated timeline can be tough, which is why Schmiegel advises military spouses to take the long view when looking for the right job.
“A military career is so rewarding, but if you are committed to it, it’s a 20-year hiatus from a linear career path, in most cases. That doesn’t mean you can’t grow,” she said. “Just think generally about what skill sets will set you up for the quickest success when you finally stop moving and build those throughout your military life.”
Placing your focus on continual growth, whether that’s while you’re looking for a job or after you’re hired, will reduce frustration in the short term and offer more reward over the full stretch of your career. And in applying these steps, you’ll also discover that you gain a robust community from networking along the way.