Taking Veteran and Military Family Recruiting to the Next Level

Since 2009, Penske has been committed to hiring veterans and National Guard and Reserve personnel.
Listen in as Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske, describes how he took his own transition experience to drive change within Penske’s veteran and military recruitment program on this episode of Hiring Our Heroes Sitrep podcast.
Top Takeaways from “Taking Veteran and Military Family Recruiting to the Next Level”
1. Penske is ready to hire, attract, and retain veterans.
“Penske has done a phenomenal job prior to me joining the organization.” – Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske
2. When Wilkins was hired as Penske’s military recruiting manager, he asked other military recruitment program managers for their advice.
“One of my favorite things about this space is how everyone wants to help everybody else. No one is trying to hold on to best practices because ultimately, we all want to help veterans find meaningful careers post-military.” – Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske
3. Penske is partnering with Fort Hood, the Department of Labor, and Troops Into Transportation to offer a 12-month apprenticeship to transitioning service members.
“It’s going to be a great program for new drivers who don’t have the experience, but are looking to build the experience. Military veterans fit that form really well.” – Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske
4. Wilkins believes that there are just as many misconceptions about civilian employers as there are about service members.
“What do we need to do better as employers to help understand the veteran and what does the veteran need to do to help meet us in the middle?” – Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske
5. Wilkins’ job at Penske provides a way for him to give back to his veteran community.
“Every veteran once they’ve made the transition, owes it (to the community) to reach back and help others.” – Sean Wilkins, military recruiting manager at Penske